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The Washington Post – “We weren’t going to say you are not good enough, not smart enough . . . . Every child should be helped.” That is why the nonprofit that Argelia Rodriguez was asked to head 22 years ago to encourage D.C. public high school students to go to college set no eligibility requirements. Nothing was disqualifying: not grade-point average or family income, not citizenship status or juvenile criminal history. The result has been thousands of children having an opportunity they might never have had to build better lives. — Read More

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About DC CAP

The DC College Access Program (DC CAP Scholars) is a nonprofit organization dedicated to eliminating the higher education achievement gap for DC students by helping them access and attain meaningful college degrees with little to no debt. DC CAP believes that a student’s personal circumstances should never determine their ability to succeed. By leveraging dollars, connecting students to better match universities, and providing wraparound support, DC CAP works to ensure students graduate ready to compete in today’s economy.